Friday 20 October 2017

Global Fund Managers Ltd (GFML) is an investment management company

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management
Assessment Mark: 20,
Global Fund Managers Ltd (GFML) is an investment management company. GFML is able to enter into derivatives contracts to hedge investments or to add value to posidons. Funds under management as at 19. August 2017 include the following:
Investment Type Amount Portfolio Representative Index / Security
Australian Shares (equities) A$100m 1.15 S8cP ASX 200
US Shares (equities) US$55tn 1.0 S&P 500
Short term interest securities (ave. maturity 90 days) A$20m0 Bank Accepted Bills
Long term fixed interest US$30tn A$40m0 Relevant bond indices
securities (ave. maturities 5
years in both countries)
Section I
Assume that you are a recently appointed hedge strategist with GFML and that you have been requested to prepare a rm-t for presentation to GFML's Investment Strategy Committee at its next meeting. You have been specifically requested to address the following issues:
(a) To identify and list the specific financial risk exposures faced by GFML with respect to the asset categories listed in the above schedule (pleass limit the financial risks to what is taught in this unit). Bear in mind that GFML is an Australian ba.d fund and that most of its investors are Australian residents. In this section you MUST discuss the outlook (forecast) for the each underlying variable and the related risk exposure. You need to provide adequate justification for your responses.
(b) To make firm recommendations on whether or to hedge all, part or none of the exposures identified in part (a) above. You MUST provide some explanation for each of your recommendations. (You are not required to specify the type of derivative to be used to hedge in response to this question).
(c) To make recommendations on which derivative instruments (for example, options, futures, etc) to use to implement the hedges that you have recommended in part (b) above. Once again, you MUST explain your recommendations. You are NOT required to propose details a how to implement your hedge recommendations in this part.
Section II
(d) Irrespective of your recommendations in parts b and c above, assume that you
need to hedge 50% Australian and US equities exposures. Provide a schedule that shows the following:
a. the risk
b. the exposures to be hedged,
c. which di is are to be used,
d. the number of derivative contracts for each hedge,
c. the contract months, and
f. the prices at the time of making the recommendation.
(Note in responding to part (d) you only have to implement the hedge — you do not need to calculate a, hypothetical future outcome). 01 this section you MUST show all calculations and include your responses in a table format as presented below.
Please include
calculations of the
number of contracts in the appropriate cell
Exposure to be
Proportion of the
exposure to be
Derivatives i.e.
Futures/or Options etc.
No. of Contracts
Contract months
Strike Prices,
premiums/Futures prices etc.
(e) Independently of your responses to part (d), propose TWO option -spread or
combination strategies- that involve more than one option contract for the Australian equities portfolio. GFML's management has expressed a desire to retain some of the upside benefits that hedging vrith options can permit but without paying a lot of money in option premiums. That is, your recommended strategies should provide a -reasonably effective- hedge but keep the option premium payment limited to a -reasonable amount- (it does not have to be zero!). As the strategist, it is up to you what you consider -reasonable- for dns purpose. You must also describe the benefits and possible shortcomings of your proposed option strategies. You must use actual option data to illustrate your option strategies and to hypothetically demonstrate their benefits and shortcomings. For illustrative purposes, assume that the Australian ASX200 at the date of expiry of the option contracts was (a) approximately 105/s lower than the level at the rime you implemented the strategy, and (b) approximately YY0 higher.
(5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4= 20 marks)
1. You are expected to use actual data for your recommended hedging strategies for requirement (d). Futures and option prices for US contracts can be found at: htm:// for Australian futures and options at
2. The price data you use in your assigrunent depend on the prices on the date
that you access the data. That is, assignments submitted by different students will most likely have different prices.
3. It is your task to research the necessary futures and options contracts and the contract specifications in order to implement your proposed hedge strategies. Assistance will only bc provided if it is clear that you have made a substantive research effort.
4. See marking rubric on page 5.
5. Answers to each part should be strictly separated. Answers to different parts should NOT be combined under any circumstance.
5. There are no definitive answers for this assignment. Your submission will bc
evaluated based on the clarity of y-our report and the quality of your arguments as responses to the requirements.
7. The assignment is to be done in pairs. You cannot submit an individual assignment without the consent of your tutor. If you dso, you will be penalised.
8. To avoid the penallies associated with a late submission you should commence thinking about die issues and researching fot this assignment as soon as possible
Submission Requirements
1. You MUST submit the assignment via turnitin. Check the draft in the -draft submission- link before doing the final submission.
2. No hardcopy is required.
3. An assignment cover sheet must be attached to your submission (see blackboard for assignment cover sheet).
4. Your submission is to take the form of a business report. It should be concise, spell-checked for obvious errors, professional and be clearly expressed. The assignment should include the following sections:
Executive Summary, Introduction (brief), body (where you will answer parts to the assignment), conclusion (brief), References, Appendices (optional)
5. The assignment should be a total of 2500 words, excluding the executive summary, references and appendices.
6. You must do this assignment in a pair (groups of 3 will not be permitted under ANY circumstance).
7. E-mailed assignments will not be accepted, the assignment must be submitted via turnitin.
8. Make sure that you allow yourself adequate time to complete this report because these guidelines will be strictly enforced and without exception.
9. Conduct research as widely as possible (up to 8 -12 sources). You MUST use sources that are considered academically reputable.
10. If you have any issues with your assignment partner please inform your tutor 3 weeks before the assignment is due.
Plagiarism - Please read the notes on plagiarism in the Unit Outline

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strategic human resources management, organisational design, culture and ethics, organisational behaviour, motivation and performance management.

Subject Code and Title MGMT6009 Managing People & Teams
Assessment One: Case Study Analysis and Consultative Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 3000 words
Learning Outcomes All
Submission Due by Friday 23:55 (Sydney time) end of module 3.
Weighting 50%
Total Marks 50 marks
The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in topics that include strategic human resources management, organisational design, culture and ethics, organisational behaviour, motivation and performance management. Retention and succession planning are important themes.
Assuming you are the Senior HR Executive for MiningCo, which operates in a range of isolated locations with many fly-in, fly-out staff on a rotating two-week roster basis. Analyse and reflect on the following three interrelated scenarios:
• Case one: you are tasked with researching the impact of introducing performance management initiative on the motivation of staff in your location. You are to make recommendations to the board, specifically on how the proposed initiative will impact on their decisions moving forward.
• Case two: MiningCo has a problem—each isolated site operates as a single entity and there is very little cross-over or staff rotation between them. The economic crisis in Greece and the increasing impact of the presence of ISIS in the Middle East on foreign nationals is resulting in many of the senior executives onsite wishing to leave. You will need to make recommendations to the board for how to curb any hysteria that ensues.
• Case three: you need to put together a crisis management team to manage the event that any substantial talent gap emerges at any individual site. You will need to decide on the selection criteria, the format, structure and function of the team and how you would reward them.
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Following your analysis, present your findings and recommendations in a report addressed to the MiningCo board. You should make significant references to subject material and substantial wider reading using the Torrens University library. Attach appendices as necessary, noting that they are surplus to the report (and its word count) and, therefore, assume they may or may not be read by the board (and the marker). There is no prescribed format for the report; use your own research to inform its structure.
Assume the word limit is literally a limit and that the board will reject any paper that breaches it. Students should use the brief to guide what to include in the assessment and the following rubric to inform the standard required.
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Learning Rubrics
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) Pass (Functional) Credit (Proficient) Distinction (Advanced) High Distinction (Exceptional)
Evaluation of information selected
in the case study
40% Limited understanding of key concepts required to support the case study. Confuses logic and emotion. Information taken from reliable sources but without a coherent analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are taken as fact with little questioning. Resembles a recall of summary of key ideas. Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research / subject materials. Analysis and evaluation do not reflect expert judgement, intellectual independence, rigor and adaptability. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research / subject materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Identifies logical flaws.
Questions the viewpoints of experts. Discriminates between assertions of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research / subject materials and extended reading. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Viewpoints of experts are subject to questioning. Analysis and evaluation reflect
growing judgement, intellectual independence, rigor and adaptability. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertions of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research / subject materials and extended reading. Information is taken from sources with
a high level of interpretation and evaluation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis or synthesis. Identifies gaps in knowledge. Exhibits intellectual independence, rigor, good judgement and adaptability.
20% Difficult to understand for he audience, no logical or clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning. Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas and arguments. Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence. Demonstrates
cultural sensitivity. Expertly presented; the presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments. Engages and sustains audience’s
interest in the topic, demonstrates high
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levels of cultural sensitivity and an awareness of equity issues around social justice in the workplace. Effective use of diverse presentation aids, including graphics and multimedia.
Application of
knowledge to practice
40% Limited understanding of the internal and external business environment. Lacks a global perspective for potential market and trends. Use a limited range of information as the basis for recommended practice. Understands the internal and external business environment including commercial context and market forces. Understands local and global markets and trends. Assesses relevant information. Synthesises and evaluates information from a variety of sources. Gathers and utilises competitor knowledge. Understands the impact of financial, social, political and environmental issues on the business. Demonstrates commercial awareness of product development or service delivery. Understands the business. Can prepare and present business cases and/or proposals. Understands the impact of financial, social, political, environmental issues on the business; and where relevant, as they relate to different countries where the business may operate. Demonstrates commercial awareness of product development or service delivery and its relationship to costs. Understands the business and its risks. Can prepare and present business cases and/or proposals. Demonstrates cultural sensitivity. Understands the impact of financial, social, political and environmental issues on the business; and where relevant, as they relate to different countries where the business may operate. Demonstrates commercial awareness of product development or service delivery and its relationship to costs. Understands the business and its risks. Assesses the impact of information and communication systems on the operations of the business. Understands the global market opportunities and competitive environment.
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Outline the long-term goals of the World Vision Australia and define the groups of stakeholders or clients for the World Vision Australia.

ACCT303: Strategic Management Accounting Assessment task 2 Case study
Due date:
Weighting: 20%.
Length and/or format: Approximately 1,500 words.
How to submit: Via LEO/Turnitin.
Refer to the website of World Vision Australia at Write a report addressing the following questions:
1. Outline the long-term goals of the World Vision Australia and define the groups of stakeholders or clients for the World Vision Australia.
2. Choose suitable perspectives that could be used as part of a balanced scorecard, and develop specific objectives for each perspective.
3. Develop a strategy map to show the relationships between the different objectives.
4. Based on the academic/professional literature, provide a critical analysis of the issues concerning the implementation of the balanced scorecard by the World Vision Australia.
ACCT 303 Strategic Management Accounting, Semester 2, 2017
APPENDIX 2 Rubric - Assessment Task 2: Case study 20%
High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
LO3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The executive summary provides an excellent overview of the study, including purpose, method, key results and a justification for the study. The executive summary provides an overview of the report including key results and a justification for the study. The executive summary provides some key results and a justification for the study. The executive summary does not provide an overview of the report; however, it discusses the results from the analysis. The executive summary not provided or it does not presented key issues covered in the study.
LO3 INTRODUCTION An excellent and interesting introduction of the case with excellent summary of the purpose, background and key issues studies in the case. A well written, interesting introduction of the case with excellent summary of the purpose, background and key issues studies in the case. A reasonable introduction of the case and the purpose and key issues in the study are adequately described. A wordy statement of the case but the purpose and key issues in the study are adequately described. Poorly written without proper explanation of the purpose and key issues in the study.
LO4 BODY In-depth, expert knowledge and comprehensive understanding with regard to the balanced scorecard, strategy map and its implementation issues.
All key issues identified with regard to implementation of
balance score card identified in academic/professional literature. In-depth, expert knowledge and understanding with regard to the balanced scorecard, strategy map and its implementation issues.
Most key issues identified with regard to implementation of
balance score card identified in academic/professional literature. Reasonable knowledge and understanding with regard to the balanced scorecard, strategy map and its implementation issues.
While most key issues identified with regard to implementation of balance score card only a few points were identified in relation to academic/professional literature. Some inaccuracies in knowledge and understanding with regard to the balanced scorecard, strategy map and its implementation issues.
Limited evidence drawn upon to support arguments with regard to implementation of balance score card in relation to academic/professional literature. Considerable inaccuracies in knowledge and understanding with regard to the balanced scorecard, strategy map and its implementation issues.
Little evidence drawn upon to support arguments with regard to implementation of balance score card in relation to academic/professional literature.
ACCT 303 Strategic Management Accounting, Semester 2, 2017
LO3 CONCLUSION A clear comprehensive conclusions/recommenda tion has been provided for the issues surrounding balance scorecard implementation for the case. Comprehensive conclusions/recommenda tion has been provided for the issues surrounding balance scorecard implementation for the case. Reasonable conclusions/recommenda tion has been provided for the issues regarding balance scorecard implementation for the case. Limited
conclusions/recommenda tion has been provided for the issues on balanced scorecard implementation for the case. Poor if any
conclusions/recommenda tion has been provided for the issues on balanced scorecard implementation for the case.
LO3 REFERENCES Correct Harvard style referencing used in text
and reference list;
A wide variety of high quality sources used. Correct Harvard style referencing used in text
and reference list;
A wide variety of sources used. Correct Harvard style referencing used in text
and reference list;
Reasonable range of resources used. Harvard style referencing used with some errors;
Limited range of references used Inappropriate referencing.
Very limited range of resources used.
LO3 WRITING Correct Harvard style referencing used in text
and reference list;
A wide variety of high quality sources used. Correct Harvard style referencing used in text
and reference list;
A wide variety of sources used. Correct Harvard style referencing used in text
and reference list;
Reasonable range of resources used. Harvard style referencing
used with some errors;
Limited range of references used Inappropriate referencing.
Very limited range of resources used.
LO3 WRITING AND PRESENTATION The report is excellent professionally presented with no issues in professional writing, the flow of arguments, structure and grammar. The report is
professionally presented, with no structure and grammar issues. Fluent and concise presentation, reasonably written with minor structural and grammar issues The report is reasonably written and a few errors in
presentation and grammar.
The report is poorly written and unprofessionally presented.
* This general marking guide is only indicative and the lecturer reserves the right to vary this guide when warranted by circumstances in particular submissions.
ACCT 303 Strategic Management Accounting, Semester 2, 2017

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Select any business that you would like to investigate within Australia

Assessment Item 4 Business Report
Due date: Week 12 (Friday, midnight, Darwin Time)
Value: 40%
Length: Maximum 3000 words
Task: Select any business (small, medium or large) with a presence in Australia.
Examine their website and social media presence (including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and any others). Analyse the impact of Social Media on their core business. For this purpose, you will need to follow these steps.
1. Select any business that you would like to investigate within Australia
2. Identify all their social media channels and what they are being used for (for example, they may be using social media for recruitment, marketing, sales, creating a presence and increasing the reach etc)
3. Analyse how each of these channels are being used by the business and report this. You may use some free web based tools for this analysis as in the link:
4. Identify additional social media channels that can be used to enhance their business and profits.
5. Provide clear recommendations with a forward planning strategy as to what the business should do, with justifications. This may include removing some channels that are not reliable, adding on more channels or a better mix.
6. References should be used in the End-note fashion. Tables, graphs, visuals may be used as embedded in the text.
Assessment criteria: The assessment criterion is mentioned in the assessment rubrics for the assessment item.

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Global Fund Managers Ltd (GFML) is an investment management company. GFML is able to enter into derivatives contracts to hedge investments or to add value to posidons

FIN30014 Financial Risk Management Sem 2, 2017
FIN30014 Financial Risk Management
Assignment - Semester 2, 2017
Assessment Mark: 20,
Global Fund Managers Ltd (GFML) is an investment management company. GFML is able to enter into derivatives contracts to hedge investments or to add value to posidons. Funds under management as at 19. August 2017 include the following:
Investment Type Amount Portfolio Representative Index / Security
Australian Shares (equities) A$100m 1.15 S8cP ASX 200
US Shares (equities) US$55tn 1.0 S&P 500
Short term interest securities (ave. maturity 90 days) A$20m0 Bank Accepted Bills
Long term fixed interest US$30tn A$40m0 Relevant bond indices
securities (ave. maturities 5
years in both countries)
Section I
Assume that you are a recently appointed hedge strategist with GFML and that you have been requested to prepare a rm-t for presentation to GFML's Investment Strategy Committee at its next meeting. You have been specifically requested to address the following issues:
(a) To identify and list the specific financial risk exposures faced by GFML with respect to the asset categories listed in the above schedule (pleass limit the financial risks to what is taught in this unit). Bear in mind that GFML is an Australian ba.d fund and that most of its investors are Australian residents. In this section you MUST discuss the outlook (forecast) for the each underlying variable and the related risk exposure. You need to provide adequate justification for your responses.
(b) To make firm recommendations on whether or to hedge all, part or none of the exposures identified in part (a) above. You MUST provide some explanation for each of your recommendations. (You are not required to specify the type of derivative to be used to hedge in response to this question).
(c) To make recommendations on which derivative instruments (for example, options, futures, etc) to use to implement the hedges that you have recommended in part (b) above. Once again, you MUST explain your recommendations. You are NOT required to propose details a how to implement your hedge recommendations in this part.
Section II
(d) Irrespective of your recommendations in parts b and c above, assume that you
need to hedge 50% Australian and US equities exposures. Provide a schedule that shows the following:
a. the risk
b. the exposures to be hedged,
c. which di is are to be used,
d. the number of derivative contracts for each hedge,
c. the contract months, and
f. the prices at the time of making the recommendation.
(Note in responding to part (d) you only have to implement the hedge — you do not need to calculate a, hypothetical future outcome). 01 this section you MUST show all calculations and include your responses in a table format as presented below.
Please include
calculations of the
number of contracts in the appropriate cell
Exposure to be
Proportion of the
exposure to be
Derivatives i.e.
Futures/or Options etc.
No. of Contracts
Contract months
Strike Prices,
premiums/Futures prices etc.
(e) Independently of your responses to part (d), propose TWO option -spread or
combination strategies- that involve more than one option contract for the Australian equities portfolio. GFML's management has expressed a desire to retain some of the upside benefits that hedging vrith options can permit but without paying a lot of money in option premiums. That is, your recommended strategies should provide a -reasonably effective- hedge but keep the option premium payment limited to a -reasonable amount- (it does not have to be zero!). As the strategist, it is up to you what you consider -reasonable- for dns purpose. You must also describe the benefits and possible shortcomings of your proposed option strategies. You must use actual option data to illustrate your option strategies and to hypothetically demonstrate their benefits and shortcomings. For illustrative purposes, assume that the Australian ASX200 at the date of expiry of the option contracts was (a) approximately 105/s lower than the level at the rime you implemented the strategy, and (b) approximately YY0 higher.
(5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4= 20 marks)
1. You are expected to use actual data for your recommended hedging strategies for requirement (d). Futures and option prices for US contracts can be found at: htm:// for Australian futures and options at
2. The price data you use in your assigrunent depend on the prices on the date
that you access the data. That is, assignments submitted by different students will most likely have different prices.
3. It is your task to research the necessary futures and options contracts and the contract specifications in order to implement your proposed hedge strategies. Assistance will only bc provided if it is clear that you have made a substantive research effort.
4. See marking rubric on page 5.
5. Answers to each part should be strictly separated. Answers to different parts should NOT be combined under any circumstance.
5. There are no definitive answers for this assignment. Your submission will bc
evaluated based on the clarity of y-our report and the quality of your arguments as responses to the requirements.
7. The assignment is to be done in pairs. You cannot submit an individual assignment without the consent of your tutor. If you dso, you will be penalised.
8. To avoid the penallies associated with a late submission you should commence thinking about die issues and researching fot this assignment as soon as possible
Submission Requirements
1. You MUST submit the assignment via turnitin. Check the draft in the -draft submission- link before doing the final submission.
2. No hardcopy is required.
3. An assignment cover sheet must be attached to your submission (see blackboard for assignment cover sheet).
4. Your submission is to take the form of a business report. It should be concise, spell-checked for obvious errors, professional and be clearly expressed. The assignment should include the following sections:
Executive Summary, Introduction (brief), body (where you will answer parts to the assignment), conclusion (brief), References, Appendices (optional)
5. The assignment should be a total of 2500 words, excluding the executive summary, references and appendices.
6. You must do this assignment in a pair (groups of 3 will not be permitted under ANY circumstance).
7. E-mailed assignments will not be accepted, the assignment must be submitted via turnitin.
8. Make sure that you allow yourself adequate time to complete this report because these guidelines will be strictly enforced and without exception.
9. Conduct research as widely as possible (up to 8 -12 sources). You MUST use sources that are considered academically reputable.
10. If you have any issues with your assignment partner please inform your tutor 3 weeks before the assignment is due.
Plagiarism - Please read the notes on plagiarism in the Unit Outline

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Demonstrate an understanding of the research planning process ,business research methods and understanding importance of professional ethics, and of how to recognize and address ethical issues when they arise in a business research project

After Reviewing a SELECTION of the lecture notes (and the content found there in) found on Blackboard for this unit.
Write a reflective report on the information that you found in the lectures that you found useful in completing the research necessary to investigate the question at the centre of your research.
Describe the material and justify its selection.
On successful completion of this subject you will have the ability to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the research planning process ,business research methods and understanding importance of professional ethics, and of how to recognize and address ethical issues when they arise in a business research project
2. Apply concepts of business research to business scenarios.
3. Evaluate the impact of existing business research in a business environment
4. Evaluate and Compare various business research methodologies then apply them to a specific business research project
5. Develop a research proposal, research project plan, literature review to be able to solve business problem and explain research outcomes.
6. Evaluate professional practice issues in business research
7. Justify chosen research methodology (quantitative/qualitative) and explain procedures for data collection, proposed data analysis, and limitations of your proposed study.

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Ethical practice and Problem-solving in the workplace

Industry Placement
BUSN 3044 (450 to 550 words each mini-essay) BUSN9126 (650 to 750 words each mini-essay)
Individual Work, Grade 10% for each Mini-Essay
(2 mini-essays x 10%=20% of total assessment)
Student Name:__________________________________________
Theme Selected for this essay: Reflection
Professional Identity
Ethical practice and Problem-solving in the workplace
Employability skills and the Labour Market
Criteria Marks Low Average High
Introduction 5%
Clear statement of theme topic and coverage of essay. Mention the principles in the literature. 20%
Marker feedback
Coherent (brief) discussion using the literature, leading to the conclusion 25%
Marker feedback
Personal reflection of experience and expectations/impact on learning or future- Comment on whether placement experience matches the theory/practice in the literature. 20%
Marker feedback
Conclusion 15%
Consistent with the themes etc developed in the paper. Marker feedback
Clarity, research and presentation 15%
Harvard Referencing conventions followed for in-text references and reference list – at least one academic reference. Marker feedback
Grade: 0
Overall Feedback:

Marking Guidelines
• Extracts from WIL Topic Guides for BUSN 3044/3060/9126
• Report structure
Marking Guidelines Theme Description
WIL Theme 1: Reflection
Each paper describes some aspect of reflection e.g., what is reflective thinking, how do you do it, what tools might you use to help, and what role does it play in the workplace.
WIL Theme 2: Professional Identity
Each paper describes some aspect of professional identity in a business setting e.g., what does it mean to be an accounting professional?
WIL Theme 3: Ethical practice and Problem-solving in the workplace
Each paper describes some aspect of professional ethical practice or problem solving in a business setting e.g., what does it mean to be an ethical business professional?
WIL Theme 4: Employability skills and the Labour Market. What are the competencies required to successfully manage your career in the 21st century and what skills do employers want?
Student Requirements
1. Read the articles in the theme and discuss how this theme (eg. Professional identity) has relevance/impacted/and/or developed your experience in the workplace.
2. In-text referencing and a reference list are essential - using the Harvard referencing system. You may use literature references outside the list of articles provided, but you must use at least one of the listed articles from the selected theme in your answer.
3. Presentation should include an introduction/body/conclusion and use Arial font, 12 pitch, double spaced.
4. When you have completed the essay(s) you are required to save the document(s) to a PDF file and upload each essay for assessment and feedback using the assignment
Extracts from WIL Topic Guides for BUSN 3044/9126
Extensions for assessment items may be granted in exceptional circumstances only, and will only be granted on medical or compassionate grounds. Requests for extensions must be made in writing to the Topic Coordinator prior to the submission deadline; the request must be supported by documentary evidence (eg. a medical certificate covering a sufficient relevant period prior to the due date).
Read the articles listed under each theme and consider material from one or more of these articles that you believe are relevant to your placement experience. Using the literature, describe the theme and its importance, and discuss how and why this theme is, or is not, relevant to your placement. Is your experience consistent with practice/theory?
A broad example of an essay topic might be ‘Using the Employability and the Labour Market theme and reflecting on my experience, I will discuss whether or not my placement has provided me with the skills and competencies that research shows that employers want, to enhance my prospects of future employment.’
You are required to include the following:
• Title of the Essay (the essay question)
• An introduction (state the purpose of your essay)
• Body (content; argument; support)
• Conclusion
Here are some suggestions/ideas/examples of what you could discuss in your essay:
o Discuss how you might consider changing your learning style based on your experience during the placement;
o What is the developmental process in becoming a member of a professional community o Explain the role of reflective thinking in the workplace and benefits to you in your placement and future employment
o Describe the nature of ethical business behaviour and why it is important to my future
• You may refer to the content from your essay(s) in your final written report in the section entitled ‘Placement Assessment’. You will have the benefit of feedback on your essay(s) before your final report is due, but only if you submit them prior to lodging the written report.

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