Monday 28 August 2017

In your role as a Solutions Architect at M2M Solutions, you are leading a team of several system administrators.

Assessment item 2
Research Report Value: 15%
Submission method options Alternative submission method
In your role as a Solutions Architect at M2M Solutions, you are leading a team of several system administrators. M2M solutions is a medium sized organisation and is currently expanding its operations.
The company has acquired six sites across Sydney to accommodate its various departments.You have been asked to design a network by utilizing private IP address. The network should span six buildings with a router in each building to join the networks. It is assumed that each building will have its own single subnet .Company expects approximately 1200 workstation across all the sites with approximate numbers in each building as follows:
Finance Office - 260 workstations
Transport Office - 130 workstations
Research Office - 120 workstations
Sales Office - 40 workstations
Information technology - 520 workstations
Head Office - 60 workstations

TASK 1 - Write a 1000 words (+/- 10%) report explaining:
a.The detailed design of a simple addressing solution (with diagram(s) and step by step workout of the calculations) that leaves room for growth, is easy to administer and has the minimum wastage of available IP address space.
b.Explain what happens to your design if the number of hosts per network jumps to over 1,024 per building.

TASK 2 - Currently the company policy does not allow the use of network analysers on the organisational network. You have recently had a team meeting where all the staff are of the view that the use of network analysers can bring more efficiency in troubleshooting processes.
Write an 800 words (+/- 10%) report for the board of directors proposing to allow the use of network analysers for diagnostic purposes in new proposed network architecture. Your report should include:
a. Brief explanation of protocol in the context of communication networks and the role ofnetwork analysers. Explanation should include example of a situation where network analysers can be used in the context of Task 1.
b. An analysis of currently available network analyser tools. The analysis should contain:
i. Benefits, associated costs, ease of usability ii. Recommendation from you, as to what tool would you prefer to use and why.
(The reports should be targeted towards your audience i.e. the board of directors who may not be technologically savvy. Therefore the report should be easy to read and contain step by step overview of the design that includes calculations and assumptions. Additionally, the report contencts should be logically, systematically and succinctly structured to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work, using formal academic language and should adhere to grammatical conventions.)
This assessment aims to assess the following learning objectives of this subject:
be able to analyse IP addressing requirements and design an addressing scheme; be able to analyse the requirements of IP routing and choose appropriate routing methods; be able to demonstrate how internetworking devices obtain their network configuration; be able to explain how data flows through the internet; and be able to ascertain and evaluate selection of applications and protocols for transferring data across the internet.

All the efforts were taken to ensure the given web links are accessible.

ITECH 2201 Cloud Computing
School of Science, Information Technology & Engineering
Workbook for Week 8
Please note: All the efforts were taken to ensure the given web links are accessible. However, if they are broken – please use any appropriate video/article and refer them in your answer
Part A (3 Marks)
Exercise 1: Green Computing (0.5 Marks)
The questions in this exercise can be answered by doing internet search and/or from the YouTube videos. Answer to each question should be one paragraph in your own words.

What is Greenhouse effect?

We are legally, ethically, and socially required to green our IT products, applications, services, and practices – is this statement true? Why?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is Green IT and what are the benefits of greening IT?
Exercise 2: Environmental Sustainability (0.5 Marks)
Read the article in the below link and answer the questions that follow:

According to the article how do you build a greener environment?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Summarize the article in 150 words
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 3: Environmentally Sound Practices (1 Mark)
The questions in this exercise can be answered by doing internet search.
Briefly explain the following terms – a paragraph for each term:
? Power usage effectiveness (PUE) and its reciprocal
? Data center efficiency (DCE)
? Data center infrastructure efficiency (DCiE)
List 5 universities who offers Green Computing course. You should name the university, the course name and the brief description about the course.
Exercise 4: Major Cloud APIs (1 Mark)
The following companies are the major cloud service provider: Amazon, GoGrid, Google, and Microsoft.

List and briefly describe (3 lines for each company) the Cloud APIs provided by the above major vendors.

Part B (3 Marks)

Exercise 1: Greening IT Standards and Regulations (0.5 Marks)
To design green computers and other IT hardware – the following standards and regulations are mainly used EPEAT (, the Energy Star 4.0 standard, and the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive ( Use the link provide with some internet search – summarize each standards and regulations in 150 words.
Exercise 2: Green cloud computing (0.5 Marks)
Xiong, N.; Han, W.; Vandenberg, A, -Green cloud computing schemes based on networks: a survey,- Communications, IET, vol.6, no.18, pp.3294,3300, Dec. 18 2012
Most part of power consumption in data centers comes from computation processing, disk storage, network and cooling systems. Nowadays, there are new technologies and methods proposed to reduce energy cost in data centers. From the above paper summarize (in 300 words) the recent work done in these fields.
Exercise 3: Cloud API Functionalities (2 Marks)
List the functionalities that can be achieved by using the APIs mentioned in the following link:
What API is used in the following link and how it is used?

Openstack is an open source collaborative software project which meets many of the cloud needs. Below links gives vast information about Openstack.
Write a report (1 page) about the Openstack features and functionalities.

Business Intelligence (BI) technologies to provide historical, curre nt, and predictive views of business operations based on the collection, extraction, and analysis of business data to improve decision has been the basis of several studies

COIT 20253 Assignment 3 Creating a Big Data Strategy
Weighting 40%
Length 3000 words (+/- 10%) Objectives
This assessment relates to course learning outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 stated in the e-course profile.
Assessment 3 is an individual assessment.
Please note that ALL submitted A2-reports are passed through a computerized copy detection system and it is extremely easy for teaching staff to identify copied or otherwise plagiarised work.
• Copying (plagiarism) can incur penalties ranging from deduction of marks to failing the course or even exclusion from the University.
• Please ensure you are familiar with the Academic Misconduct Procedures, available from:
The tasks
In recent years, the ability of Business Intelligence (BI) technologies to provide historical, curre nt, and predictive views of business operations based on the collection, extraction, and analysis of business data to improve decision has been the basis of several studies. More recently, “Big Data” and “Big Data Analytics” have further stirred the interest of researchers and practitioners alike.You are required to conduct market research and write a report on how Big Data can be used in Decision Support and Business Intelligence (DS&BI).
In this assignment you are required to write a research report focusing on one of the following topics (which you have already chosen for presentation and have discussed with your tutor)
1. Big data and new decision-making techniques/models/approaches;
2. Organisational and cultural issues of the ‘Data-driven’ organisation;
3. Leveraging big Data for enhancing decision making and creating new business models
4. Social networks for exploiting knowledge or creating intelligence;
The report should be well researched. Business strategy should be mapped clearly to business initiatives, objectives and tasks. You should able to define required technology stack and required data and analytics architecture for Big data for DS&BI including the Master Data Management (MDM). You should able to address advanced analytics requirements necessary to support the business strategy they have selected. And the role social media plays in organisations decision making process. You are required to discuss Big Data Value creation process. The report should address the followings:
1. Identify, create and discuss Business Strategy for a Big Data use case
2. Identify and align business initiatives, objectives and tasks with the developed Business Strategy.
3. Identify and discuss the required Technology Stack
4. Discussion on Data Analytics and MDM to support DS&BI
5. Discuss support of NoSQL for Big Data Analytics.
6. Discussion on different NoSQL Databases and its use in Big Data use case you have chosen.
7. Role of Social media in organisation's decision making process
8. Discussion on Big Data Value creation process.
The length of the assignment is 3000 words. You are required to do extensive reading of more than 10 appropriate and relevant chosen topics in Big Data use case. Please do in-text referencing of all chosen readings. Newspaper and magazine reports should be limited to a maximum of 2. A comprehensive report covering all key aspects of the topic selected is required. Report should be extremely well supported with relevant case studies. Any assumptions made are clearly noted. The report structure should be clear, easy to read and logical, directly addressing the question. Suitable headers should be used throughout the report. Good use of graphics and charts should be made. No spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors.
The Report (Important: The report makes up 100 marks - scaled to 40%)
You will produce a report that aims to explain your Decision making using Big Data as per the layout and submission guidelines mentioned below.
Report Layout and Submission Guidelines
Students are advised to observe the word count limit to 3000 words.
• Title Cover Page with clear details of course title/name, student number/name, lecturer & tutor
• Introduction: Introduction must clearly define the aims of the report. Students should include following in the introduction:
Students need to define what they are going to talk about. Students need to show what they are trying to do with the selected use case ---the topic - the direction. Students should show what they are going to cover (and what they not, if required). Students need to give background information necessary to understand the report. Introduction must identify the project objectives.
1. Identify, create and discuss Business Strategy for a Big Data use case
2. Identify and align business initiatives, objectives and tasks with the developed Business Strategy.
3. Identify and discuss the required Technology Stack
4. Discussion on Data Analytics and MDM to support DS&BI
5. Discuss support of NoSQL for Big Data Analytics.
6. Discussion on different NoSQL Databases and its use in Big Data use case you have chosen.
7. Role of Social media in organisation's decision making process
8. Discussion on Big Data Value creation process.
. • Reflections and Conclusions
Present your reflections about the decision making using Big Data (e.g. achievement and constraints).
Provide a brief summary of your findings
• References (must complete by showing 5 references with their related in-text citations)
To help student members communicate, forums have been created for your use on the course Moodle website for Assessments 1 and 2. Please use them to help you work through your report.
Help on writing reports is contained in the Faculty Guide for Students – Chapter 4 – available here: data/assets/pdf_file/0003/2289/Extract-of-Chapter-3.pdf
You may also benefit from a video supplied by the CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre available here:
Assessment criteria - Assignment 2 marking guide
Marks for Assessment 2 will be allocated as follows: Assessment mark will be weighted to 40%.
Assessment Criteria
Marking Criteria: Weighted out of 40%
1. Introduction (5 marks)
2. Identify, create and discuss Business strategy for a Big Data use case. (10 marks)
3. Identify and align business initiatives, objectives and Tasks with the developed Business Strategy. (10 marks)
4. Identify and discuss the required Technology Stack. (10 marks)
5. Discussion on Data Analytics and MDM to support DS&BI. (10 marks)
6. Discuss support of NoSQL for Big Data Analytics. (10 marks)
7. Discussion on different NoSQL Databases and its use in Big Data use case you have chosen.(10 marks)
8. Role of Social media and human elements in organisations decision making process.(10 marks)
9. Discussion on Big Data Value creation process.(5 marks)
10. Conclusion (5 marks)
11. Quality of Information (5 marks)
12. Grammar Usage (5 marks)
13. References used (5 marks)

A large order of both fresh and dried herbs, some raw organic chicken breasts and three tubs of yogurt based ice cream has just arrived from Herbie’s, a quality supplier of organic foods

Assignments 2
Project 1
• 1
Part 1
A large order of both fresh and dried herbs, some raw organic chicken breasts and three tubs of yogurt based ice cream has just arrived from Herbie’s, a quality supplier of organic foods. There is purple sage, dried tarragon, fresh bay leaves and a number of bags of ground coriander, turmeric and cumin. However, you are aware there is already a large amount of ground coriander in the dry store room, and you do not think you need more bags. A large bottle of fresh green peppercorns in brine has toppled and cracked.
A courier from Con’s Chemicals has brought, among other things, a 25 litre drum of dishwashing powder. This delivery was due two days ago and you urgently need it.
Describe in detail the steps you would follow in regards to accepting the delivery of supplies and storing the supplies. You also need to explain how you would monitor those supplies once they are placed in storage. (Two–three pages)

Upload a file (7MB max)
• 2
Part 2
Design an information sheet that can be provided to new staff detailing how to dispose of damaged and spoiled or contaminated supplies, waste and hazardous substances to reduce the negative environmental impacts. The information sheet should also include why problems with stock such as wastage, need to be reported and how they are to be reported. (Two–three pages)

Demonstration of knowledge of the issues and evidence of wide reading to support your analysis

Weighting: 30% of total unit marks
Assessment Criteria:
• Demonstration of knowledge of the issues and evidence of wide reading to support your analysis
• Demonstration of your ability to apply the knowledge to identify keys issues leading to your recommendations
• Evidence of sound reasoning and the exercise of professional judgement to support your recommendations
• Development and statement of concise recommendations for presentation to the Chairman
• Overall structure and professional presentation of your report to the Chairman
• High quality written communication of concepts and terms as the Chairman can be assumed to be professionally competent in corporate governance
Case Study
‘Countering cyber risk presents a significant strategic challenge to leaders across industries and sectors but one that they must surmount in order to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the vast technological advances in networked technology that are currently in their early stages. Over the past decade, we have significantly expanded our understanding of how to build secure and resilient digital networks and connected devices. However, board-level capabilities for strategic thinking and governance in this area have failed to keep pace with both the technological risks and the solutions that new innovations provide.
Boards have a vital governance function, determining overall company behaviour and setting a company’s risk appetite. For boards, action means effectively exercising oversight by asking managers the right questions to ensure that the boards’ strategic objectives are met. This function is no different in the area of cyber resilience. By offering the following principles and tools, the Forum hopes to facilitate useful dialogue between boards and the managers they entrust with the operation of the companies to which they owe their fiduciary obligations.’
Source: World Economic Forum (2017), Advancing Cyber Resilience: Principles and Tools for Boards,
Assume you have been employed as a corporate governance consultant by a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and ranked within the ASX 200. The Chairman of the company has decided to address the issue of cyber security at the company board level.
As an initial step in the process of improving the cyber resilience of the company the Chairman has employed you to prepare a report that critically analyses how the company can best integrate its cyber security and resilience protocols to ensure continued corporate survival and improved business performance. The Chairman has requested that you submit a report providing examples of best practice and a clear set of recommendations on how the company should initiate a cyber resilience policy at the corporate board level. Your report will be tabled at the next board meeting for board members to review and evaluate your recommendations.

Blog post 1: Business Process Architecture

COIT 20252 BPM Electronic submission by 1pm Friday of the following weeks:
Week 7 Blog post 2: Business Process Management
Week 9 Blog post 3: Business Process Modelling ASSESSMENT
Weighting: 15% (5% each week)
Length: 300 - 400 per blog post
Assessment task
In this assessment item, you are required to maintain an online reflective blog/journal and write blog posts/entries based on academic articles. For writing each blog post, you will select one of the listed articles from the Additional Readings section of every week in the Moodle site. You will write a reflective blog post after reading how the article has helped you to learn the week's topic.
Ensure that you write the blog post based on the correct article i.e. if you are writing Blog post 1(Business Process Architecture), then refer to the Additional Readings section of week 4 to choose an article since Business Process Architecture is covered in week 4. To find an article for Blog post 2, refer to the Additional Readings section of week 6 and so forth.
Please label the blog posts correctly i.e. provide the correct title. For example - the first blog post should be labelled “Blog post 1: Business Process Architecture”, the second one should be “Blog post 2: Business Process Management” and so forth.
Blog format
In your reflective blog post, you should demonstrate an ability to reflect on and learn from established practices in the nominated article and the weekly unit topic. You will write your blog post in the format as described below.
• Synopsis - this is a summary of the content of the article (should be objective);
• Critique - how well you think the author or authors address the article topic (should be objective) and should be supplemented with other views;
• Your reflection - how you think the article has assisted you in understanding the weekly unit topic (can be subjective as you are discussing your own learning). In writing the reflection, link the article to the weekly topic i.e. has it been helpful (or not) in enhancing your learning. Provide reasons.
It is advisable to structure your blog post in three paragraphs: Synopsis, Critique and Reflection. Do not create headings and subheadings as distinct paragraphs will suffice.
Note: You need to use correct Harvard reference citations for each blog to support your critique as you will be referring to other sources too. Refer to this guide for help with Harvard referencing.
The blog post should be free from typographical, spelling and grammatical errors.
You can complete your blog posts before the due dates but feedback will not be released until 2 weeks after the due date of each blog. No comment on your work will be posted on your blog for viewing by the general public.
Instructions for creating and registering your blog
A blog (or weblog) is a website where entries are made in reverse chronological order. It is perhaps the simplest and one of the most popular ways of producing a website. For more information about blogs, see the Wikipedia page for ‘blog’ or follow this link to see a video about blogs.
You will be using Mahara to create your blog. After creating the blog/journal and blog posts/entries in Mahara, you will subsequently need to create a Mahara page, embed the journal in it and create a secret URL. Steps for all of these can be found in the unit website on Moodle.
After following all the steps and completing your blog post, submit the Secret URL by pasting it into Moodle for marking and feedback.
In order to be able to submit your blog post as specified in the correct week, please create a new secret URL for every blog post and submit that in Moodle so your marker knows you have submitted.
Late submission penalties may be applied to blog posts that are submitted late. Any blog posts submitted 2 weeks after the submission date may not be marked. Hence, it is advisable to submit on time and adhere to the specified deadlines.
It is IMPORTANT that you:
-- Conduct yourself professionally. Blogs that contain inappropriate material will not be marked;
--Ensure that your response is within a single blog post;
--Ensure that the title of your blog post includes the title as advised before.
All assignments will be checked for plagiarism (material copied from other students and/or material copied from other sources). If you are found to have plagiarised material or if you have used someone else’s words without appropriate referencing, you will be penalised for plagiarism which could result in zero marks for the whole assignment. In some circumstances a more severe penalty may be imposed as per University policy.
Useful information about referencing and avoiding plagiarism can be found at:
Marking Criteria for the Blog Posts
Criteria Rating Marks
Exceptional Response The response shows insight and demonstrates an ability to compare and contrast ideas being presented. Shows an understanding of the article and reflects upon the learning value. Correctly referenced and free from typographical, spelling and grammatical errors. 5.00
Good Response There is some evidence of applying knowledge and understanding to the chosen article. The response lacks clarity. 4.00
Acceptable Response The response lacks in-depth insight but does demonstrate an overall understanding of the article. 3.00
Satisfactory Response The synopsis provided is generally accurate but no insight or reflection is offered. 2.00
No Response The required weekly blog was not posted. The blog post was for an incorrect article. 0
Comments to student:
0 marks will be given if you do not write the blog post based on an article from the given week.

Unlimited Sustainable Development Solutions

Project 1
• Essay question—write a response to the following quote from Unlimited Sustainable Development Solutions
Organisations today are being asked to address an increasingly complex set of environmental issues. As noted in the quote:
‘Sustainability is achieved when we understand the economic, environmental, and social consequences of our actions and make deliberate choices that allow all people to lead healthy, productive and enjoyable lives.’
Your response should include a discussion of:
o complex environmental issues
o methods of measuring an organisation’s environmental impact
o methods of managing an organisation’s environmental impact
o methods of reducing an organisation’s environmental impact
(1,000–2,000 words)
Project 2
• You are the supervisor of a group of 15 workers in a business involved in an industry of your choice (for example manufacturing, finance, customer service, education, health, etc). You have been asked to plan and organise a number of work group activities in relation to measuring current resource use and devising strategies to improve usage.
• 1
Identify a minimum of three appropriate work group activities and provide an overview of what is involved in each activity.
Upload a file (7MB max)
• 2
Develop a plan to monitor resource use and improvements for environmental performance as a result of the activities undertaken by your work group.

In your role as a Solutions Architect at M2M Solutions, you are leading a team of several system administrators.

Assessment item 2
Research Report
Value: 15%
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
In your role as a Solutions Architect at M2M Solutions, you are leading a team of several system administrators. M2M solutions is a medium sized organisation and is currently expanding its operations.
The company has acquired six sites across Sydney to accommodate its various departments.You have been asked to design a network by utilizing private IP address. The network should span six buildings with a router in each building to join the networks. It is assumed that each building will have its own single subnet .Company expects approximately 1200 workstation across all the sites with approximate numbers in each building as follows:
Finance Office - 260 workstations
Transport Office - 130 workstations
Research Office - 120 workstations
Sales Office - 40 workstations
Information technology - 520 workstations
Head Office - 60 workstations

TASK 1 - Write a 1000 words (+/- 10%) report explaining:
a.The detailed design of a simple addressing solution (with diagram(s) and step by step workout of the calculations) that leaves room for growth, is easy to administer and has the minimum wastage of available IP address space.
b.Explain what happens to your design if the number of hosts per network jumps to over 1,024 per building.
TASK 2 - Currently the company policy does not allow the use of network analysers on the organisational network. You have recently had a team meeting where all the staff are of the view that the use of network analysers can bring more efficiency in troubleshooting processes.
Write an 800 words (+/- 10%) report for the board of directors proposing to allow the use of network analysers for diagnostic purposes in new proposed network architecture. Your report should include:
a. Brief explanation of protocol in the context of communication networks and the role of network analysers. Explanation should include example of a situation where network analysers can be used in the context of Task 1.
b. An analysis of currently available network analyser tools. The analysis should contain:
i. Benefits, associated costs, ease of usability
ii. Recommendation from you, as to what tool would you prefer to use and why.
(The reports should be targeted towards your audience i.e. the board of directors who may not be technologically savvy. Therefore the report should be easy to read and contain step by step overview of the design that includes calculations and assumptions. Additionally, the report contencts should be logically, systematically and succinctly structured to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work, using formal academic language and should adhere to grammatical conventions.)
This assessment aims to assess the following learning objectives of this subject:
be able to analyse IP addressing requirements and design an addressing scheme;
be able to analyse the requirements of IP routing and choose appropriate routing methods;
be able to demonstrate how internetworking devices obtain their network configuration;
be able to explain how data flows through the internet; and
be able to ascertain and evaluate selection of applications and protocols for transferring data across the internet.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Enron Scandal

External Research Assignment

Each student will be required to complete a research paper.  The paper shall be 6-8 pages in length and follow standard APA guidelines

The topic of the paper shall be on Enron Scandal.  The paper should meet the following criteria:
1)      Identify and classify all the key people involved in the crime including perpetrators and victims.  Give all necessary background on the key players. 
2)      Thoroughly explain the type of crime committed and place it into a proper typology.
3)      Discuss the legal process used to prosecute the crime(s).  Was it proper and sufficient? What, if any defenses were raised?  Did they have merit? 

4)      Analyze any regulations or social controls subsequently implemented to avoid future crimes of this nature.

decision-making styles: directive, analytical, conceptual and behavioral.

Provide an explanation describing the following decision-making styles: directive, analytical, conceptual and behavioral. Then, discuss which style, or styles, best describes your preferred decision-making strategy. Feel free to identify different styles for different situations.

Four Minute Speech” and “four Minute men” and“Zimmerman telegram

The War to End All Wars (WW1-World War 1)

Foner: Ch. 18-19, “Four Minute Speech” and “four Minute men” and“Zimmerman telegram”
Why did the United States get involved in the European War? How were Woodrow Wilson and the
Progressive essential in first keep us out and getting us involved in the war? These questions, as well as
the impact of new wartime technologies, innovations, and global systems (League of Nations) will be

analyzed and examined.

Janie Dorsett, a resident of Maryland, and Betsy Crandall a resident of Missouri, suffered from a gastrointestinal disorder, and gastroesophageal reflux disorder (reflux), respectively.

Janie Dorsett, a resident of Maryland, and Betsy Crandall a resident of Missouri, suffered from a gastrointestinal disorder, and gastroesophageal reflux disorder (reflux), respectively. Each of them was prescribed Somavrol, a drug manufactured by Acme Pharmaceutical Corp. (ACME) which was approved in 1997 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a short-term treatment (two to eight weeks) to relieve symptoms of acute and recurrent gastrointestinal distress-related ailments. Shortly thereafter, ACME received a patent on the drug. 
The active ingredient in Somavrol is celiomide, which is available in both branded and generic forms. According to Maryland’s drug substitution law, beginning around 2009, Ms. Dorsett’s pharmacist filled her prescriptions with generic celiomide which was manufactured by Defendants Idgi, Inc. (IDGI), Avi Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. (AVI), and XYZ Laboratories (XYZ). Ms. Dorsett took celiomide, as prescribed, for four years. 
Ms. Dorsett’s long-term use of celiomide caused her to develop turboencabulesia, a severe and irreversible neurological disorder, characterized by awkward involuntary facial, hand and foot movements, as well as a general sense of anxiety. 
Around the same time as Ms. Dorsett, Ms. Crandall’s pharmacist filled her prescriptions with generic celiomide in accordance with Missouri’s drug substitution statute. The generic celiomide Ms. Crandall ingested was manufactured by Defendant XYZ. Like Ms. Dorsett, Ms. Crandall took celiomide, as prescribed, for approximately four years. She too developed turboencabulesia as a result of her long-term use of celiomide
Although Somavrol/celiomide was approved only for short-term use, many doctors have prescribed the drug for longer periods because gastrointestinal disorders such as those suffered by the Plaintiffs are most often chronic conditions. IDGI’s, AVI’s and XYZ’s own data show that over 80% of patients have been using Somavrol long-term—with one study even indicating that as many as 34% of patients taking celiomide for longer than one year. 
Consequently, both Plaintiffs have sued the manufacturers of the celiomide they had ingested. They claim that the defendants provided inadequate warnings regarding the risk of turboencabulesia from long-term celiomide use and that the absence of adequate warnings of that risk caused their injuries.
The generic drug manufacturers have countered that federal law specifically prohibits a generic drug manufacturer from “unilaterally changing its approved labeling” and that, therefore, federal law preempts the state law failure-to-warn claims being made by Plaintiffs. Both Plaintiffs lost in federal court at the trial level and on appeal to their respective circuit courts, and have now appealed in a consolidated case before the U.S. Supreme Court. You are a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and must decide this case. Draft your decision declaring which side wins and why. You must cover at least THREE of the following areas of law in your decision