Friday 4 August 2017

Australian-based organisation

Drivers of International Marketing
Length: ~500 words
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
The first assessment is designed to help ensure you have two key skills you will need throughout this subject: (1) applying theory to real world situations and (2) referencing. If you can do both these things well, many of the issues associated with preparing and producing work for this subject will be reduced. We have provided three resources for you to use to help you with Assessment One. Even if you feel very confident about your researching and referencing skills, please go to each resource before you begin the assessment as you will need to use them to complete the task.
Access the following in your Resources folder on Interact:
• Online research using Google Scholar
• Finding sources using Primo Search
• Referencing using APA style
• How to apply theory to practice
Then, select an Australian-based organisation with which you are familiar. This may be where you work, where a friend or family member works, or a well-known organisation in which you would like to work.
Using the drivers of international marketing from Topic 01 (Ch1, p.8-9), explain for the management of this organisation why they need to expand their involvement with international marketing. Use theory and real world examples to illustrate your points.
• Market needs
• Technology
• Cost – scale
• Government
• Communication
Students should NOT contact the organisation at any time while undertaking this assessment.
This assessment develops skills in researching organisations and their environments, and applying theory to practice. It will also demonstrate you are engaging with the subject content.
Marking criteria
Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Application skills
This criterion is about linking theory to a specific context, explaining how it relates to a product/company
Value 50% There is no or limited application to the context or case study, no examples provided The case study or context was described and identified. The context was connected briefly to theory. The case study or context was described and identified. The context was connected to theory with clear links. The case study or context was described and identified and insightful evaluations were made. The context was connected to theory with clear logical links. The case study or context was described and identified and insightful evaluations were made. The context is connected to theory with exceptional, logical and meaningful links.
Referencing Skills
This criterion is about the application of APA referencing
Value 50% There was limited or no attempt at in-text or end of text referencing There was an attempt to apply referencing, but style and application were inconsistent There was consistent style, but application was not consistent with some errors The style is consistent throughout the text and end reference list. Application was still inconsistent with some points remaining unreferenced. Both in-text and reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA
Report format is appropriate, with subheadings to show changes in topic.
Fully referenced using APA 6th style.
An ideal assignment is your opinion, supported by evidence from respected/reliable sources, expressed in your own words, and fully referenced as to the source of ideas, facts and quotations. ‘In your own words’ is critical in displaying your understanding of the material, rather than being expert at copy and paste.
Any use of Wikipedia as a source for the assignment will result in an automatic zero mark, as it is not a reliable source.
Use Turnitin to check that you have fully paraphrased all your material. Any Turnitin result 15% (excluding reference list) suggests that you have over used other people’s words. Revise, and resubmit your blog in our Interact site. A guide on How To Submit To Turnitin, along with required codes, is available in the Resources folder on Interact.
Topic 1
Chapter 1
Page 8

Page 9


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