Wednesday 31 January 2018

Microsoft® Dynamics CRM, Salesforce, and other cloud-based Customer Resource Management (CRM) solutions are utilized by companies to increase sales, improve customer service, and provide a host of other benefits

 Microsoft® Dynamics CRM, Salesforce, and other cloud-based Customer Resource Management (CRM) solutions are utilized by companies to increase sales, improve customer service, and provide a host of other benefits. Dynamic digital dashboards are graphical user interface (GUI) tools that are present in CRM, Enterprise Resource Management (ERP), and other solutions that can depict a company’s performance metrics in real-time. Executive dashboards enable managers to view disparate data without having to open up and view multiple applications in different windows or on different screens. Dashboards can be implemented out-of-the-box or customized to fit a management’s purposes and desires.
For this practice assignment, you are a recent ERAU graduate and the newly-hired assistant to the VP of Sales of a large-scale wholesale aviation parts business. You have been tasked to create a document with a mockup of a proposed executive dashboard. This display will be utilized to provide data to an IT consulting firm that has been retained to implement a Microsoft® Dynamics CRM solution with customized executive dashboards.
The following is an example of an executive dashboard:
Sample Klipfolio DashboardSee page for author [GPL (], via Wikimedia Commons
Your mockup display of the proposed executive dashboard should contain six different types of charts. Some types of charts found in the MS Word application are as follows:
  • Pie chart
  • Line chart
  • Column chart
  • Bar chart
  • Stock chart
  • Histogram chart
  • Combo chart 

Steps to Create Dashboard Mockup

Open a Word document and select “Landscape” in the “Orientation” selection of the “Layout” tab on the toolbar.
Select six different chart types chosen from the ”Chart” selection data in the “Insert” tab on the MS Word toolbar. After you select a chart type from the list and select “OK,” a Microsoft® Excel worksheet labeled “Chart in Microsoft Word” automatically opens with cells containing pre-set numerical data from the MS Word default chart example. You are required to modify the pre-set numerical data in each of the six worksheets. To replace the pre-set numerical data, use numbers 2388785 and insert from one to four digits using any combination. Modify the pre-set labels on both the X-axis and the Y-axis in each chart to reflect your specific data.
Arrange the six charts in an orderly fashion, similar to the dashboard example shown above.

what you are learning about yourself and your vocation in relation to homelessness.

you will be reflecting on your experience of touring TC3 and
what you are learning about yourself and your vocation in relation to homelessness.
What is important here is not your personal ideas but how you tour TC3-with your
whole person.
Pay attention to the 5 Centers of Your Person that we read about in the “Writing
Really Helps” handout. What do you notice from your intellect? Your sensibility?
Your body? Your being? Your deep conscience?
In 2-3 pages, please describe what you are learning about homelessness and how it
effects your sense of vocation or call, your purpose and meaning, your values, faith
or relationship with God. Is there something new that you have discovered or are
discovering? Is there something confirmed in who you are as a person?
Keep to the subject of your tour experience and your whole person
response to it;
-Remember to use specific examples of your experience as evidence;
-Use your own, 1
person voice;
-Use standard conventions for introduction, body, paragraph, conclusion,
spelling, grammar, etc.

an article or video offering advice on choosing the best financing option for a business.

Find an article or video offering advice on choosing the best financing option for a business. Post a link to the article or video to the discussion thread and answer the following questions:
1. ey discuWhich types of financing did thss?
2. What advice did they offer?
3. What information or data did the article suggest a business owner use to help decide on the best financing decisions?


Research paper on "Project management critical success factors"

Research paper on "Project management critical success factors"


Monday 29 January 2018

Imagine you are responsible for purchasing a new health information or practice management system for a medical practice.

Imagine you are responsible for purchasing a new health information or practice management system for a medical practice. Prioritize three (3) system functions or capabilities that would be most important to you when making this purchase. Support your decision.
Assess the process of benchmarking as a function of practice management. Suggest one (1) financial and one (1) operational benchmark that a practice manager could use to improve business outcomes and the quality of patient care. Support your recommendations with at least one (1) real-world example.


Improving Practice Management through Information Technology "expertsolution"

Imagine you are responsible for purchasing a new health information or practice management system for a medical practice. Prioritize three (3) system functions or capabilities that would be most important to you when making this purchase. Support your decision.
Assess the process of benchmarking as a function of practice management. Suggest one (1) financial and one (1) operational benchmark that a practice manager could use to improve business outcomes and the quality of patient care. Support your recommendations with at least one (1) real-world example.


Lightning Round Presentation: Big Data Analytics & Cyber Defense Must post first.

Lightning Round Presentation: Big Data Analytics & Cyber Defense Must post first. You have been invited to participate in a "lightning round" (short, fast paced) presentations at an internal meeting of CISO staff members. These types of presentation are time limited and are used to focus on the most important information about a topic.
For your presentation you must prepare a 3 to 5 paragraph talking paper which addresses three or more findings from the Ponemon (2013) report.
Make sure that you address the "what's in it for me" factor, i.e. why should BDA be integrated into your company's cyber defense activities.
Your presentation should be 3 to 5 paragraphs in length and include citations and references for the Ponemon report and at least two additional authoritative sources.
Ponemon Institute. (2013, February). Big data analytics in cyber defense. Retrieved from


Taxi service (how it initially started and progressed around the world)

Conduct and develop a comprehensive, synthesized literature review of the following:
- Taxi service (how it initially started and progressed around the world)
- Taxi service in New York City (how it started and progressed and it's current state)
- Sharing-economy
- Ride-sharing service (how it initially started and progressed around the world)
- Ride-sharing service in New York City (how it started and progressed and it's current state)
- The General Systems Theory
- The Open Systems Theory
- The Theory of Constraints
- The Organizational Change Theory
Include both germinal and current literature. The flow of the topics should be from broad to narrow. Your concept review must include 15 to 20 pages of synthesized literature.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines
Use only peer-reviewed sources


Review various meals from fast-food restaurants. Think about what you would typically order at a fast-food restaurant.

Review various meals from fast-food restaurants. Think about what you would typically order at a fast-food restaurant.
Write a paper of at least 900-1200 words that addresses the following points:
Is it possible to eat healthy meals when dining outside of the home? Why or why not? Explain how you can make healthier choices at fast food restaurants. What tools do you have available to help you make healthier choices? What are the main nutrients (specific vitamins and minerals as well as specific macronutrients) that are typically high and low in fast food meals? What are the negative health implications of the nutrients that are high? What are the negative health implications from the nutrients that are too low? This discussion should explain the chronic diseases/illness associated with these nutrients. What healthier options can you prepare at home to replace these meals? What are your current exercise habits? Does your exercise routine meet the national recommended guidelines? What should you be doing for exercise? Discuss the various components of exercise, the benefits for each type of exercise and how often you should be doing each component on a weekly basis. Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed articles in addition to the textbook.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Make sure you have an introduction and a conclusion.


Evaluation of Special Discussion of Management Tasks

Team Building

The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn important details about some of the various tasks required of nursing managers/leaders.

•    Evaluation of Special Discussion of Management Tasks
Criteria    Points Possible    Points Earned
1.    Introduction of management task/topic of presentation. Describes task and its relevance to management.    20   
2.    Discusses ways to perform task effectively.    15   
3.    Includes evidence-based or best practice information related to topic. Support with 2-3 different references to the literature in APA format.    15   
Total      50   



a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties: A point of debate of controversy

I.    GOAL
An issue is defined by Webster as "a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties: A point of debate of controversy." This assignment provides the opportunity for you to think critically about an issue that is currently affecting the professional and to present your position in writing.
This assignment provides the opportunity to:
Demonstrate research abilities by locating pertinent and timely resources that present more than one side of the issue.
Critically analyze various viewpoints.
Formulate personal position that can be defended.
A.    Topics: Students will select a topic from the following list:
Should Nurses Join a Union?
Should Nurses Join the American Nurses Association?
Should the Entry level for Registered Nurses be the BSN?
Should Families be Allowed to Attend a Code?
Should the Terminally Ill be Admitted to ICU?
Do some Advanced Directives Limit Patients' Rights?
Or, you can submit another ethical issue for approval.  Students are expected to read broadly about the assigned topic. The primary resources should be nursing journals.
B.    Paper:
1.    This is a formal paper and must follow APA format. To avoid plagiarism use correct APA format to cite references, especially direct quotes.
2.    The order of the paper is:
Title page (separate page)
Abstract (separate page, approximately 100 words)
Introduction to the topic. (i.e. Why is it important for nurses? What are the implications for nurses? 3-4 paragraphs)
Discussion of the pro side of issue. (3-4 points, 3-4 pages).  Include references.
Discussion of the con side of issue. (3-4 points, 3-4 pages).  Include references.
Personal opinion section (3-4 paragraphs)
Reference list (separate page).
3.    Important APA Guidelines (6th ed)
Margins: left margin -- right, top and bottom - 1 inch.
Page numbers should appear in the upper right corner of page, 1 inch from top and side.
Use double spacing for entire paper.
Use headings.


Which of these actions is an example of practicing delayed gratification rather than acting on an impulse

Which of these actions is an example of practicing delayed gratification rather than acting on an impulse


Emil is nine years old. He likes singing and listening to music. His parents are considering enrolling him in an orchestra camp for 9- to twelve-year-old children.

Using the following scenario, evaluate the relevance of the instructor's questions.
Emil is nine years old. He likes singing and listening to music. His parents are considering enrolling him in an orchestra camp for 9- to twelve-year-old children.
The instructor asks many questions to assess Emil's readiness. He is concerned when he hears that Emil is still dog paddling after taking swimming lessons, but is glad to hear that Emil enjoys taking voice lessons and that he responds well when his teacher corrects his spelling.

Which of the following is the name for the tiny devices placed under the skin near the ear to send electrical impulses directly to the auditory nerve in the brain to restore hearing?

Which of the following is the name for the tiny devices placed under the skin near the ear to send electrical impulses directly to the auditory nerve in the brain to restore hearing?


Where did the session occur?

eek 2 Project
Project: Coaching
Coaching Session 1
This week, you and your coachee will get acquainted, establish parameters, set boundaries, and begin creating a positive coaching rapport. As with any relationship, it is important to allow ample time for each party to feel comfortable with the other. Humor can be a critical element, especially during the early stages of a coaching relationship. Some initial stumbling is to be expected. The effective use of humor can deflect these obstacles and allow you and your coachee to quickly get back on track.
Coaching is centered completely on the coachee, and it is the coach’s responsibility to stay focused on the coachee’s needs, goals, objectives, and challenges. Coaches don’t provide objectives in a directive manner. Rather, as a coach, your role is to listen, ask probing and appropriate questions, and guide your coachee to individual solutions. Coachees determine their own objectives. Coaches help them clarify those objectives.
Week 2 Assignment
For your first coaching session, you and your coachee need to prioritize two key objectives to work on over the next four weeks. You will want to work with your coachee to analyze why those objectives are important to him or her and evaluate the professional improvements that might occur when the objectives are achieved. Make sure to review the Week 1 instructions for the types of objectives that are appropriate (e.g., work-related concerns).
You will be preparing a weekly coaching report following your sessions. Consider the coaching report to be “case notes” that you can review as needed during the entire coaching process. For example, you might have a question during the third session about something that was determined during the first session. Having a good set of case notes will help you remember what was discussed and the decisions that were made. Accordingly, you need to take the time to organize the case notes into a cohesive report.
For this first coaching session, submit a coaching report that provides the following information:
  • Recap the coaching session (generally 1 to 2 pages)
    • Where did the session occur?
    • When did it occur?
    • Who was being coached?
    • Who was the coach?
    • Summarize the conversation. Who said what?
    • Any key details about the relationship or interaction that need to be recorded? (e.g., impressions, difficulties, opportunities, things that were missed, things to explore in the future, boundaries, parameters, etc.).
  • Prioritize two key objectives for the coaching process and analyze why those objectives are important to the coachee (generally ½ to 1 page).
  • Evaluate the personal and professional improvements the coachee hopes to make after the objectives are achieved (generally ½ to 1 page).
  • Clarify the action steps that you (as coach) need to complete prior to the next coaching session. For example, what information do you need to research? What resources do you need to locate? What follow ups do you need to complete? What skills do you need to refine? (generally ¼ to ½ page). 
Submission Details:
  • Submit your coaching report in a three- to four-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
  • Name your document: SU_LEA6150_W2_LastName_FirstInitial
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Areaby the due date assigned.

A special focus of this course is executive communications that are succinct, strategic, and supported.

Discussion (Nursing Field related Please
Before beginning work on this week’s discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right,” the expanded grading rubric for the forum, and any specific instructions for this week’s topic.
By the due date assigned, submit your response in the Discussion Area below, using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading.
A special focus of this course is executive communications that are succinct, strategic, and supported. Accordingly, your initial post should not exceed 500 words in the discussion forums. 
Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub questions of each bullet point. The sub questions are designed to get you thinking about some of the important issues. Your response should provide a succinct synthesis of the key themes in a way that articulates a clear point, position, or conclusion supported by research. Select a different bullet point section than what your classmates have already posted so that we can engage several discussions on relevant topics. If all of the bullet points have been addressed, then you may begin to re-use the bullet points with the expectation that varied responses continue.
  • Individual development is described as a short-term orientation to performance improvement. In contrast, career development is a more long-term approach. Which has the greatest impact on the organization (individual development or career development)? What types of topics or activities might be used for each (individual versus career development)? Should development always focus on job- or organizational-specific concerns or might development include any type of development for an individual (including things that don’t specifically relate to the job/organization)? Leadership lessons you can learn?
  • Many organizations suggest that human resources (HR) are their most valuable resource. A competitive advantage can be achieved by maximizing everyone’s contribution. Therefore, sustainable competitive advantage is based on an organization’s ability to utilize its most valuable resource—people. Relative to physical and financial resources, how important are human resources? In other words, are human resources more important? Less important? Of the same importance? What factors should we consider when trying to answer these questions? Do you agree that the only way to sustain a competitive advantage is through an organization’s HR? Leadership lessons you can learn?
  • Have you ever had a leader who was also a good coach? What did she or he do? How did she or he make you feel? What were some of the attributes that she or he possessed? Was there one attribute that seemed to be most important or most crucial to being a good coach? Leadership lessons you can learn?
  • Organizational and leadership experts can perform at least two different roles. One is the role of a consultant. The other is the role of a coach. What is similar about a consultant and a coach and the process that each uses? What is different? Can the same person perform both? Can the same person perform both in the same organization? Are there other similar roles (e.g., counselor, advisor, mentor, etc.)? How do those roles compare/contrast to the coaching role? Leadership lessons you can learn?

Family Dynamics - Describe the family dynamics and identify strengths and areas where the dynamics are strained and might impact the parents themselves and their ability to parent. What informational resources might you provide these parents?

Review the Course Project Case Study below. Write a 3-4 page paper that responds to the questions on family dynamics, post-partum depression, and positive parenting. Use TWO recent evidence-based articles to support your responses and attach the article to your submission. This assignment must have accurate spelling and grammar and use APA Editorial Format for in-text citations and sources.
You have been assigned to provide care and education for Mrs. G.
Family Dynamics - Describe the family dynamics and identify strengths and areas where the dynamics are strained and might impact the parents themselves and their ability to parent. What informational resources might you provide these parents?
Post-Partum Depression - Do you see any signs and symptoms of post-partum depression? If so, what might be a good course of action? If not, do you believe Mrs. G. is at risk for post-partum depression? Why or why not?
Positive Parenting - What information and resources can you provide Mr. and Mrs. G. regarding positive parenting? What might you need to do to assist them in understanding how they can best parent?
This assignment must have accurate spelling and grammar and use APA Editorial Format for in-text citations and sources.
Case Study
Mrs. G., a twenty year old mother of a 2 year old is pregnant. English is not her primary language. She is recently married (one year) to a man in his early 40s who is not of her culture (She comes from Nigeria). The toddler is not this man's child. She had difficulty with her first pregnancy; high blood pressure and spotting.
As she goes through her pregnancy she finds that her first trimester is difficult managing her health and the toddler. She is not used to having children and finds the toddler challenging. She also finds that she is having some of the same symptoms as she did during her last pregnancy. She is not comfortable going to an American doctor and tells her husband that she can take care of herself as she did during her last pregnancy. He is not happy about this decision and tells her that she has to go. He takes her to the doctor several times during her pregnancy but is not sure his wife is following the medical instructions being given.
By the end of her pregnancy she has gained more weight than she had anticipated. She could not understand why as she was eating her native foods. The doctor told her that she had high blood pressure. She was not sure what that meant as she felt the same as she did during the first pregnancy.
Labor was painful, long and difficult and while she had a vaginal birth the baby was small and experienced some respiratory distress at birth. She decided to again breastfeed even though she could only do it for a few weeks the last time. She was told that she had a "small supply of milk".
In the first few weeks of taking care of the newborn, her husband wanted to be a part of the caring process and she was not happy as "men don't do that". She also found that with this baby she felt much more tired and had a hard time managing both children. In fact, the toddler became cranky and was aggressive to the newborn, trying to bite and scratch the new baby.
The husband again took her to the doctor after birth and then again for several months. He also insisted that she see a pediatrician for both children. At the doctor's offices they told her that they had to "assess" the children to be sure they were "normal". When she was told this, she was frightened.
As a few months passed, she became more lethargic and tired. Two children were more than she could deal with. Sometimes she could barely get out of bed. Yet, she knew that she was trying to do all of what she was told by both doctors and her husband. She really loved her children and respected her husband.
When her newborn was six months old she found out that she was pregnant again. She knew that it would be a mistake to have another child because her husband had just informed her that his two children from another marriage (6 and 12 years old who has asthma) was going to be living with them now and she would need to be taking care of them as well.


Go to the site and review the statistics displayed by the links on the page (under the 2015 tab).

Go to the site and review the statistics displayed by the links on the page (under the 2015 tab).  Based on what you have learned about health literacy, comment on how this data increased your knowledge on each of the topics listed (Arthritis and Quality of Life, Foodbourne Outbreak Data, Sleep and Military, and Improving Surveillance).  Include your opinions on the way the data was presented.  For example, was it easy to understand?  What information would an individual need to interpret the data presented on these topics accurately?


Compare the negative effects that alcohol has on one’s academic performance ar the high school and college level?

Compare the negative effects that alcohol has on one’s academic performance ar the high school and college level?


Return to the Health Literacy Education site at and complete the training for "Creating Easier to Understand Lists, Charts, and Graphs" course.

Excel and Communicating Public Health Data
This SLP consists of two parts:
Part I: Return to the Health Literacy Education site at and complete the training for "Creating Easier to Understand Lists, Charts, and Graphs" course. Once you are at this site, select the course from the list of available courses in the left-hand column.
Complete the evaluation at the end, select "Print Certificate" and submit it to meet the requirements for Part I of your SLP assignment.
Part II: You will apply the concepts you learned from the online CDC course by making a chart or table.
To meet the requirement for Part II, create a simple illustration of the data you worked with in your Case 3 assignment. Options include a pie chart, table, or bar chart illustrating the data you worked with in your Case 3 assignment, and the display should be chosen based on what you learned about creating lists, charts, and graphs for public health communication. You may choose to use the Obesity data or the custom data you generated in Case 3 to make the visual illustration.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Create your chart, table, or graph in Excel, and then copy and paste it into a PowerPoint slide. Use the PowerPoint formatting and text tools to include a title and any other important information on your slide. Submit both the certification of completion of the CDC course, and your PowerPoint slide to your SLP dropbox by the module due date.


What would the gross margin be if the selling price of a drug is $2850 and the cost is $2190.25? A. $600.75 B. $550.75 C. $659.75 D. $630.75

What would the gross margin be if the selling price of a drug is $2850 and the cost is $2190.25? A. $600.75 B. $550.75 C. $659.75 D. $630.75


Friday 26 January 2018

In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent's political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child's future political preferences

In 1986, J. Glass argued that a parent's political orientation is the strongest determining factor in predicting a child's future political preferences (i.e., most (or many) Republicans grew up in Republican-leaning households and most (or many) Democrats grew up in Democrat-leaning households).  See Attitude similarity in three generational familiesSocializationstatus inheritance, or reciprocal influenceAmerican Sociological Review , Vol 51, 685-698 (1986).  You can access the article using the hyperlink below.  Please read it as part of your response to the essay questions:
1.   In your opinion (and experience) did Glass correctly identify the primary source of our collective "political socialization?"
2.   What other sources or factors influence our political preferences?
3.   Glass's article was published in 1986.  In your opinion, is political socialization today largely similar to political socialization in 1986?  If so, how is it similar?  If not, how is it different?  What implications do your observations have for political candidates, organizations, and/or institutions?
4.   What aspects of your reading in our course text help you to understand political socialization differently than you did prior to beginning our class?
Your essay must be between 4-6 pages in length, be double-spaced with standard (1-inch) margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.  Your essay will be graded on a scale of 0-100

When the owner of a small business reviews her list of contracts for 2011, she finds that 35% of the contracts were from clients she met at a large conference at the end of 2010

 1. When the owner of a small business reviews her list of contracts for 2011, she finds that 35% of the contracts were from clients she met at a large conference at the end of 2010. Answer the following questions about this situation.
a. Was this measurement obtained by a sample or a census? What words in the description of the situation make you confident that your answer is correct?
b. Should the owner have taken into account some measure of reliability associated with the value 35%? 

Describe your personal theory of crime

In a minimum of 300 words, answer the below questions.

Describe your personal theory of crime.  Why do you feel individuals commit crime?  What factors (if any) do you think goes into the decision to commit crime?  Is there any criminological theory that aligns with your beliefs?  Remember to be as thorough as possible in your answer.

Punishment Versus Rehabilitation Websites

Resource: University of Phoenix Materials – Punishment Versus Rehabilitation Websites
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that debates the effectiveness of punishment compared with the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. Address the following points:

  • Deterrence of crime
  • Effect on victims and victims’ families
  • Effect on the offender
  • Social effect on society
  • Fiscal effect on society
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Imagine that you must collect and assess the quality and appropriateness of data held by a large, multi-national organization.

  1. Imagine that you must collect and assess the quality and appropriateness of data held by a large, multi-national organization. What steps would you take? Include how you would address network, security, and ethical considerations when decidingwhat data to collect from the company. 
  2. Explain the kinds of support you will need and how you will obtain resources and cooperation.

Think of international corporations, how much power they have versus government. If you balance the 2 off, who would you say has more power to effect international policy?

Think of international corporations, how much power they have versus government. If you balance the 2 off, who would you say has more power to effect international policy? Do you think international companies have more power than the govt to effect international policy?
Explain with examples and in text citations

Public administration is an essential link between citizens and governments.

Assignment 1: Position Paper

Due Week 2 and worth 140 points

Public administration is an essential link between citizens and governments. With the rapid pace of globalization, the public sector is under even greater pressure to increase its capacity to deal with the new challenges and opportunities that globalization presents. The relationship of globalization and governance is multidimensional. States / countries with high levels of integration with the rest of the world tend to have better governance outcomes on the whole. Of course, the quality of governance can be directly related to the social and economic integration between states. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, religion, natural resources, fractionalization, and government size largely decide the outcomes.

Like globalization, governance can be conceived broadly or narrowly. How does globalization affect macroeconomic policymaking?

In this assignment, you are expected to select one (1) country and:
•Discuss a significant issue / challenge arising from globalization that has taken place in the last three to six (3-6) months.
•Critically evaluate the current policy(ies) for the issue / challenge.
•Consider possible alternatives.
•Advocate a particular policy choice and provide rationale.

Use the Internet to conduct research for this assignment. Here are two (2) resources to get you started:
•Scan the article titled, "Globalization and Governance: Definition, Variation, and Explanation" located here.
•Review the slide show "Tips for Writing a Policy Analysis" located here.

Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:
1.Provide an introduction and context for the issue / challenge.
2.Summarize what existing literature says about the selected issue / challenge and the selected country's policies impacting the issue.
3.Suggest two (2) policy options that the selected country's government could follow in order to resolve the issue / challenge.
4.Recommend one (1) policy action based on your analysis of a set of alternatives. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.
5.Provide at least three (3) reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references (no more than one [1] used previously), published within the last five (5) years that support the paper's claims.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
•Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•Evaluate the major concepts and theories to international relations and politics.
•Analyze the local impact of global public administration policies and relationships.
•Analyze the core controversies, theories, and rationale surrounding global public administration.
•Formulate domestic and international public policy alternatives and arguments.
•Describe how policies shift over time when applied to global public administration challenges.
•Use technology and information resources to research issues in international public administration.
•Write clearly and concisely about international public administration using proper writing mechanics.

To what degree can research within the social science be considered "scientific"?

To what degree can research within the social science be considered "scientific"? What are some of the challenges that coincide with carrying out scientific research?

Response needs to be at lease 300 words with one reference.

Friday 12 January 2018

How changes to the project scope, timeline, and budget are managed and reported.

Write a paper of no more than 700 words, addressing the following items:

  • How changes to the project   scope, timeline, and budget are managed and reported.
  • How project cost and schedule performance is measured and reported.
  • How project quality is managed and reported.
  • Reasons why your project could be closed.
  • Closure processes you use for normal completion, such as having objectives met.
  • Ethical considerations you may have to make through the project life cycle and ways to respond. 
Explain the processes that must be in place to effectively manage each aspect of the project and your rationale for selecting the techniques you plan to use.

Understanding how the success or failure of an emergency response depends on the size of the gap between the behavior of disaster victims and the bureaucratic procedures of public official, pick an emergency from your experience

Complete the following case study.
Explore two (2) journal articles regarding a contemporary crisis.  Relevant articles must be dated after 2001 (to present). Consider the following situation--and then respond to the questions. Be sure to use APA formatting in your essays.

Understanding how the success or failure of an emergency response depends on the size of the gap between the behavior of disaster victims and the bureaucratic procedures of public official, pick an emergency from your experience and answer the following three questions:

1. What were the challenges faced?
2. What actions were undertaken to deal with the crisis?
3. Were the choices made successful? Why (or why not)?

This essay should be 4-5 pages in length and in APA format style. (assume 250 words per page). This does not include title or reference page. 

How changes to the project scope, timeline, and budget are managed and reported.

Write a paper of no more than 700 words, addressing the following items:

  • How changes to the project   scope, timeline, and budget are managed and reported.
  • How project cost and schedule performance is measured and reported.
  • How project quality is managed and reported.
  • Reasons why your project could be closed.
  • Closure processes you use for normal completion, such as having objectives met.
  • Ethical considerations you may have to make through the project life cycle and ways to respond. 
Explain the processes that must be in place to effectively manage each aspect of the project and your rationale for selecting the techniques you plan to use.

How did you feel and what did you do? Could the situation have been avoided, if so how?