Monday 23 April 2018

Juvenile justice/delinquency

Research Paper Rubric(75 points)Thesis: Each paper should be on a topic of juvenile justice/delinquency, and within that topic you should be answering a question, which becomes your thesis statement. For example, you might pick drugs and juveniles. That’s a topic. What about drugs and juveniles? Perhaps you ask yourself, “Are drugs more attractive to juveniles because they engage in risk-taking behavior?” Then you research your questions and answer it. That answer becomes your thesis. To the aforementioned example, your thesis might then be, “The rise in heroin and marijuana use among juveniles in the United States is due to increased availability and juveniles’ natural attraction to risky behavior.” Again, this is just an example, but each paper needs to have a clearly stated thesis. (10 points)Body: You must have 8-10 pages of research that backs up and develops your thesis. Your paper should have paragraphs, with these paragraphs addressing different subtopics of your research that support your main point. An introductory paragraphshould lay out what these sub-points will be. You should have a conclusion paragraphthat brings your points all together. As for the rest of the body, do not repeat the same information; I do read these, and will note if you are repeating the same research. (30 points)Additionally, strong papers will incorporate more than one source per paragraph, and will weave various sources throughout the paper. Each thought, even if not a quotation, that is not your own original thought, must be followed by an in-text citation(Victor, 2018). Questions? Email me. (10 points)Works cited: A works cited page properly formatted, correct text, correct citation format for online sources, in APA form, ect. You must have a minimum of seven (7) academicsources to support your paper.  (10 points)Spelling and grammar: No run-on sentences, fragments, silly grammatical or spelling mistakes, ect. 12-point, Times New Roman, double-spaces, one inch margins (15 points)Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team.CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT PrimeWritersBay.comGET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM


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