Sunday 1 July 2018

Data becomes useful information when it is provided with context.

Baker Post

Data becomes useful information when it is provided with context.  A single piece of data is useless without being included with a way to relate that data to something else.  For instance, a number by itself means nothing without some type of context applied to it.  Boyle gives this example: “Take the number 37…now give it some context: 37 degrees C is normal body temperature” (Boyle, 2011).  The number by itself is merely a data point, but when provided context it becomes a useful piece of information that can be put to use.  However, as our society has become so reliant on the internet, data is often pushed out instantly without any chance to provide a true context to the situation.  There have been an unprecedented amount of controversial situations in recent memory that were brought to public attention without proper context being provided.  This has the effect of allowing the public to form opinions without all the information necessary to have a truly informed opinion.  Fayoyin and Ngwainmbi wrote, “Data and social statistics have been misinterpreted and misrepresented causing major misinformation within interpersonal and mass communication” (Fayoyin and Ngwainmbi, 2014).  This is a problem that has been constant for a long time but has only been made significantly worse with the emergence of social media.

                  A primary source is an original document or source of some kind.  If the source of information is an eyewitness or you get the information directly from an expert in a given field it would be considered a primary source.  An example would be an autobiography as an individual is writing about their experiences first hand.  A secondary source is when the information is derived from someone who was either told about or heard about the information from the primary source.  A good example for a secondary source would be a biography that either takes the information from the individual themselves or from things they have written.

                For my paper I have found a primary source that was written by one of the most wanted hackers of all time: Kevin Mitnick titled Famed Hacker Kevin Mitnick Shows You How to Go Invisible Online.  Mitnick here gives a common example of how hackers today are able to ensure they cover their tracks and are not detected, at least with any certainty.  Another primary source I will use was written by Richard Hummel from the SANS Institute who wrote a paper entitled, Securing Against the Most Common Vectors o Cyber Attacks.  A secondary source that I will be utilizing is one that discusses many of the biggest known cyber attacks written by Bruce Middleton titled A History of Cyber Security Attacks: 1980 to Present.


1.       Boyle, Rebecca. Data Harmony: How We Can Turn Piles of Raw Data into Usable Knowledge, (Accessed 27 June 2018)

2.       Fayoyin, Adebayo and Ngwainmbi, Emmanuel. Use and Misuse of Data in Advocacy, Media and Opinion Polls in Africa: Realities, Challenges and Opportunities, (Accessed 27 June 2018)

3.       Hummel, Richard. Securing Against the Most Common Vectors of Cyber Attacks,

Example of  someone who response to Baker post

enjoyed reading your statement in regard on when data can become usable. I do agree with you a single data with no access for dissemination does not provide a chance for others to dispute data validity.  Data with no verification is just data that it cannot be use. Last year during US senator’s election many television outlets started informing the audience unverified information on the news and after too many allegations many of those candidates just decided to drop their names from the list of participants even if they only had the best intention to serve their communities. The Television news that it supposed to report after information has been verified.  Hackers do the same when they get a hold a new phone number usually they start calling to phishing for verifying to whom belongs the phone number and try to get as much information as possible for them to used data for future attack or financial gain. Great primary source for your paper, I am sure you will do well.  Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Our country remains divided in so many issues like some states approving drugs into their states with the idea to build revenue for their states on behaves of the youth. Many senators openly promotes approving marihuana in their states. We have at least 11 states who openly proclaims to be openly to try into their states and we are glad that the majority of people are against this idea.  The news outlets needs to become more responsible in telling the people the truth in regards how drugs is affecting our way of life and the future of our teens.

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