Saturday 9 December 2017

Friendly Bank knows that its customer, Susan, has died. One day after Susan’s death, Friendly Bank was presented a check for clearing of $3000.

1. Friendly Bank knows that its customer, Susan, has died. One day after Susan’s death, Friendly Bank was presented a check for clearing of $3000. The check was written by Susan a week prior to her death to Hale Enterprises who had promised Susan a life extension treatment. Discuss the legal rights of Hale Enterprises.2. While cleaning out her desk, Dave found a check he had received eight months earlier and had forgotten to cash. When he brought the check to the bank on which it was drawn, the bank refused to cash it. Was the bank within its rights? Why or why not?3. Petra is considering making a purchase from an on-line merchant. Discuss the relative advantages to Petra of paying with a credit card or a debit card.4. While Lee and Chang were lawfully married, Lee had purchased a $500,000 life insurance policy on Chang’s life, naming herself as the beneficiary. Subsequently they got divorced and Chang died a year later. Chang leaves two surviving children, Tom and Cindy. Who is likely to receive the proceeds of the $500,000 life insurance policy?5. Tim takes out an insurance policy on his wife, Kathy, when he learns that she is to be stationed in the Middle East during a war. She gets killed while on duty in the war zone. Can Tim collect on the life insurance policy? Why or why not?6. Leah’s grandfather loans valuable artwork to the Art Museum on the condition that the same will go to Juanita if the museum closes. She wants to purchase property insurance on the art work because she feels that it would be a great loss if any mishap occurs. Discuss the legal implications of this situation.7. Jack’s building has a replacement cost of $500,000 and his fire insurance policy has an 80% coinsurance clause. Jack has $200,000 of insurance on the building which is completely destroyed by fire. Discuss how much Jack will collect from the fire insurance policy.8. Martha hits a hole in the road while driving down the highway. Her car’s axle breaks resulting in $2,500 of damages. Discuss if Martha has coverage under any form of auto insurance.9. Please describe what 5 things that you have learned in this class that surprised you.10. Please describe 5 ways you might apply this knowledge. (You can combine #9 & #10 in one answer if it is easier for the flow of your writing as long as you address both questions).Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team.CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT PrimeWritersBay.comGET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM


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