Monday 12 June 2017

The aim of this assignment is to allow participants to explore and develop key capabilities in one of the two key managing others capabilities addressed in the course. Students are to choose either: Conflict and Negotiation, or Empathy and Trust, or

    • Task Description: Developing Capability

      Assessment details for ALL STUDENTS

      Length:                        2500 words

      Format:                        Report Format

      Weighting                    30%


      Task Required:

      The aim of this assignment is to allow participants to explore and develop key capabilities in one of the two key managing others capabilities addressed in the course.

      Students are to choose either:

      • Conflict and Negotiation, or

      • Empathy and Trust, or

      • Teams and Groups.

      During the Saturday workshops, diagnostic tools and mini-simulation activities will be undertaken for each topic that serves as the experiential basis for individual reflection about current practice. These are compulsory activities for students enrolled in the on-campus delivery mode. Students who do not attend and participate in these activities will be deemed not to have completed this component of the assessment task and will receive a penalty.

      Students are then to prepare a literature review about the chosen topic that defines the key terms and outline key theories or models and application.

      Students enrolled in MGMT20124 must utilise a number of diagnostic tools undertaken during the workshops (such as the Johari Window, Thomas Kilmann Conflict Questionnaire, The Big 5, ESCI, Belbin Team Inventory etc.) that provide insights into current capabilities or preferences. Students are to contrast the results of the diagnostics tests and compare these to the literature so as to identify key strengths and weakness in their managing others capabilities.


      (See the note below for students enrolled in MGMT20124 & MGMT20129)

      Students are then to identify two areas for improvement. Using your learnings from the literature review and diagnostic tools, develop a realistic plan of activities designed to improve your knowledge and skills over a 6-month period.


      Research Requirements: A minimum of 15 scholarly references are to be used that includes at least 6 peer reviewed journal articles included as citations within the report. These must also be listed in the reference list which is in alphabetical order-

      Keep in mind that the external sources (outside the textbooks) must be peer reviewed journal articles or scholarly book chapters. If you are in doubt of what constitutes a journal article or scholarly book chapter you need to ask your lecturer/professor or tutor.

      If you are uncertain about how to reference correctly and how to draft a reference list please access student support through CQU.

      Marks will be deducted for poor referencing!




      Students enrolled in MGMT20124 have a slightly higher word limit and are expected to undertake at least 5 diagnostic tools compared to students enrolled in MGMT 20129 who are expected to undertake a minimum of 3 diagnostic tools. This is to reflect the higher credit point value of MGMT20124. However the more diagnostic tools you use the greater the insights into your preferences.


      The world limits provided are guidelines/approximate limits.

      SectionDescriptionAdditional InformationValue
      IntroductionBrief statement that clearly identified the purpose of the report and the components of the report.

      Approximately 100-150 words
      No additional information statement, definitions or commentary should appear in the introduction2 marks
      Capability TopicContrasting of several definitions of the term. Outline of principle model or theory.

      Identification of the key competency associated wit the capability- Students must use the terms from one of the competency models i.e.

      Approximately 800-1000 words
      Students should demonstrate wide reading through multiple citations. It is expected that the recommended readings of Carlopio, Quinn et al, Goleman etc- either texts of Journal articles will feature in this section.8 marks
      Research Associated with the Capability topicA minimum of 12 scholarly references, with a minimum of 4 Journal articles, correctly cited using in-text referencing.

      A full reference list at the end of the report with all references actually cited in the report included in alphabetical order.
      Students who have less than 12 references will not receive more than 1-2 marks.

      Students who meet the minimum references (12) receive 3-4 marks.

      To obtain the full 6 marks, students need to use at least 20 references.
      6 marks
      Self Analysis of CapabilityUsing the results of the diagnostic tests Students are to reflect on the results of the diagnostic tests, directly link these to the literature to explain the specific capability (skills, knowledge and attitudes) that need to be improved.

      Approximately 500 words
      Students should cite at least 2 brief examples of their own behaviour, either in work or social situations that illustrate the two areas that need to be developed.4 marks
      Diagnostic ToolsStudents in MGMT 20124 need to undertake a minimum of 5 diagnostic tools, and students in MGMT 20129 need to undertake a minimum of 3 diagnostic tools.

      Both groups must include at least 3 results sheets signed by course facilitator.
      Students who do not include at least 3 signed diagnostic tools results sheet receive no marks for this section.

      The results sheets should be attached as appendices and the actual results discussed in the previous section.
      4 marks
      Development PlanStudents need to specify at least 3 activities per capability that are identifiable as to knowledge and behaviour development. Specific goals need to be identified in terms of standards and timeframes so that capability development can be measured.

      Approximately 500 words
      Students can identify up to two Masters electives at CQU as part of the development process. However students must include an overview of the course and how it will facilitate specific knowledge or behavioural development.

      Other activities can include short courses, industry training, personal reading (must be recognized text) as part of the development plan.
      4 marks
      ConclusionBrief statement that outlines the major learnings from the task.Statement to include observation about the need to continue to develop management capabilities (life long learning)2



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